Tuesday 3 March 2015

What The Future Holds: CGI

CGI (Computer-Generated Image) is a form of graphic design that creates and/or contributes to images in films, video games, television programs, videos, simulators and commercials.

CGI is changing media forever from a production perspective. With technology like CGI only getting better daily, it gives media producers the opportunity to use CGI to make the impossible, possible. One of the big positives of CGI is that it allows a media producer to create events that would not be possible via real life recordings or would be a lot more expensive to stage in real life, saving production money. Another advantage is that CGI makes the film look a lot more attractive to the viewer. This helps the production of films because it means more people are likely to watch it, helping the media industry from a production perspective.

Although CGI may work out cheaper than setting up the event in real life (depending on what you want to feature in your media production), that by no means that it is cheap. If you want CGI done to the best possible standard, then it will be expensive, and it will also take a lot of time. So if you have a tight deadline, then CGI would probably not be the best option.

CGI is also changing media from an audience perspective as well. Popular films that use CGI include Avatar and Jurassic Park, and without the use of CGI these films would not be possible. For example, CGI allowed Avatar to create the fictional world of Pandora and allowed Jurassic Park to create the dinosaurs. So overall the major advantage with CGI is that they are no limits to what can be created visually, meaning many more great films can be created for the audience in the future thanks to CGI. The other alternatives to CGI include actual live recordings (which are impossible for fantasy related films) or paint backdrops (which would look low in quality). So overall, CGI makes films look a lot more realistic, meaning they'll be in better quality for the audience.

A major disadvantage of CGI from an audience perspective is that if it is not to a high enough quality, it will come out looking heavily unrealistic, and may end up ruining the whole entire film. Many almost award winning films have been created over the years that were a let down due to their bad CGI, in fact, it's actually more common than you think, and bad CGI appeared in 'The Mummy Returns' to portray the Scorpion King. To us it just looks more like a plastic king. Overall audience do not like low quality, so if CGI is low quality, the audience will loose interest and may not want to watch the film (this will also harm the content producers as they will not get any money as no one is watching their film).


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